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Climate Action in SG (May 2019)
A monthly e-newsletter on Singapore’s sustainable development and climate action efforts
Sustainable Development - G20 Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting
Minister Masagos Zulkifli, Singapore’s Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, attended the G20 Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting in Niigata, Japan from 11 - 12 May 2019, where he met Minister Takamori Yoshikawa, Japan’s Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Minister Masagos spoke on Singapore’s contribution to SDG 2: Zero Hunger and strategies to bolster food security by: 1) Growing local; 2) Growing overseas; and 3) Diversifying imports.
Sustainable Development - 6th Singapore Dialogue on Sustainable World Resources
At the Singapore Institute of International Affairs' 6th Singapore Dialogue on Sustainable World Resources on 2 May 2019, Minister Masagos Zulkifli shared three key ways to address the challenges of climate change and unrestrained use of resources: 1) Integrate systems better; 2) Integrate global cooperation; and 3) Integrate ground-up initiatives.
Circular Economy Waste-to-Energy Research Facility
Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University and National Environment Agency opened a new Waste-to- Energy Research Facility on 27 May 2019, bringing Singapore a step closer to becoming a zero-waste nation. The facility, the first of its kind in Singapore, will promote the test-bedding of innovative technologies for converting waste into energy and useful materials.