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Oral Reply to Parliamentary Question on Guidelines for Funeral Wakes by Mr Baey Yam Keng, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and the Environment
10 May 2023
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Oral Reply to Parliamentary Question on Guidelines for Funeral Wakes by Mr Baey Yam Keng, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and the Environment
Mr Alex Yam Ziming: To ask the Minister for Sustainability and the Environment since the introduction of the guidelines for the usage of light emitting wreaths and inflatables at funeral wakes in June 2022 (a) how many complaints have been received relating to the flouting of the guidelines; (b) what have been the challenges of enforcing the guidelines; and (c) whether there will be a further review of the guidelines should concerns persist.
1 The guidelines on the use of light-emitting wreaths and inflatables at funeral wakes were co-developed by the National Environment Agency (NEA) and the Association of Funeral Directors Singapore (AFD) in June 2022, to guide the funeral services industry and premises owners on the appropriate use of these items to ensure public safety and minimise dis-amenities. NEA has worked with the Town Councils and land agencies, which issue permits for wakes held in public residential estates, to promulgate these guidelines through the terms and conditions of these permits.
2 From June 2022 to April 2023, NEA received about 3 cases of feedback per month on the use of light-emitting wreaths and inflatables at funeral wakes. Since the issuance of the guidelines to stakeholders, NEA and AFD have observed a decrease in feedback received. Feedback providers were mainly concerned with the excessive number of light-emitting wreaths and leaving them turned on after 10pm. When such feedback is received, the respective Town Councils and land agencies would be notified to engage the relevant parties to address these concerns.
3 NEA will continue to work with stakeholders to monitor the situation, and review the guidelines if necessary.